Enter The Foaming Orifice

THE FOAMING ORIFICE is a home for writers of any
literary genre, of any level, who are obsessed with the power of the unspoken
word. It is a place where the unheard howls, laughter, wails, screams, groans,
cries, giggles, are all a precise language to be mastered, a perfection we are
all reaching for and striving toward with each other's help.
WE HAVE a one way mirror that hides an observation room
behind which people who are interested in our activities may watch us at play
whilst we try not to notice. If you are such a person, you might want to proceed
immediately to this place, which we have affectionately renamed the one way orifice.
However, if you are more than just a friendly voyeur, please read
THERE IS ALSO a moon shaped table upon
which everyone leaps at some time or other, to share an original verse or tale
with manic intensity, or a dream inspired idea about the literary craft, or a
breathless recollection of a film or play watched, a book read, a writer met.
After which, the rest of us, thumping fists on table, will break into heated
criticism and debate, totally constructive of course, from our little stools, or
just murmur and giggle and mutter and clap, or else just thump our fists on the
table. Thump. Thump.
though. No destructive, cruel, bitchy criticism or comment is allowed out in the
open, on the list. Even if someone's themes are hard to swallow, one should
focus not so much on what is written, but how it has been written. Also, since
this is a new group, members are encouraged to contribute at the very least -
once a fortnight. Just to keep the ball rolling a little. So ...
COME JOIN US in our asylum of words. The guards are locked
safely in their padded cells. The doctors and staff have been fed to the
flowers. And the iron wrought gates hang loosely from their hinges, eager
tongues awaiting your arrival, rusting in anticipation of your
What could be better ?
 Climb On In !
a fOAmINg production